Sunday, February 5, 2012

trio disasters

trio disaster start...

ceritera ini sudaa lama berlalu tapi masih fresh lagi untuk "re-story" the scenes...

case 1: "bad luck ant"

suatu malam sekitar 8 pm... i am facebooking at that moment.. unfortunately my eyes catch on a couple of ants in & out freely from my keyboard at sudden. i feel so &^%$^ at that time as it is so unpleasant scene to catch on... terlalu sakit hati tgk semut2 yg tak bertuah tu boley free access at my keyboard juz like their royal territory... royal laaa sgt smpai tuan netbook ni rase sgt annoy tahap giga terhadap semut2 x bertuah tu... and so, with full of inconsideration and unawareness, i juz grab the scrin cleanser unconsciously and tros spray sesedap hati sesedap rase kat keyboard tu.. dalam hati fikir "haha (evil grin) mati la kau semut2 yg ade hati nak bukak majlis perbandaran kat keyboard neyh.." .......... 

a few moments later~
aisey apesal keyboard malfunction ney... ok tu laa jadi nye klau bertindak x pkai otak... & i have to shut down immediately my netbook & dry it by using hair dryer for about couple of hours non stop & another extra 4 days to leave it rest awhile.. i feel so i don't know how to say... mcm tgh blunted affect plak...


case 2: "the naive printer"

one hectic night, tgh settle kan assignment "child's developmental"... seyesly, that moment i was like cacing kepanasan sbb assignment yg bergunung ganang x siap lg... ok almost done my "child's developmental" assignment.. with juz one click, my assignment would be printed out nicely juz as i expected... tetibe.... ~ my naive printer merajuk... print out paper jadik blurr... i was so *&^%$#... nasib baik kaki x naik lagi atas printer tu... i try to reach the printer by psychological (even though my printer is a nonliving object) but it so so so useless... mmg i'm so sorry to my pathetic printer... i loss my temperament at that night... tp my printer still in a good condition.. no fracture, no traumatic injury or loss any limb yet... cume sgt kesian kat tuan punyer printer sbb she suffers a lot from the scene...

thank god kte teringat ad member bwk printer... so, in no time, i'm running like crazy dengan berkaki ayam ke bilik member tu... and everything was settled then.. but not my naive printer... bile cuti rayer cina, i decided to change my printer with my bro... i sent my naive printer back to perak and bring the old dusty printer yet so full of deed to my bro ever since he start his degree study till now... i thought that "ok mr old printer... though u r categorized as elderly, but u have most powerful energy if compare to the other brand new printer... so please show me.."

~few weeks later, mmg sgt shit! nampaknya mmg something wrong happened here... semua printer jadik allergy whenever they were bring to sg buloh... 

my bro said "bella, ko nye printer neyh pe yg rosak nyer?? amim print elok je xde pown buat hal..."

me said "tak tau ler.... bila pakai print kamu kat sini jadik hal plak.... print tua kamu neyh xley berjauh ngan kamu kowt mim..."


 case 3: "short lived external"

my external tu baru je setahun jagung... x sempat nak kawin, beranak, cucu cicit pown.... one fine evening, lepas balik dari kelas mmg sgt excited nak layan cite movie... dgn x perikemanusiaan nye, i took out all the things smpai laa x perasan my external melayang tercampak jatuh ke lantai... ok at first i thought that, "ok kowt... still hidup lg"...

bile bukak je tros "undetected drive"...punye laa gelabah... tu la nak bwat camne... nasik da jadik bubur... my short lived external telah tamat riwayatnye tanpa sempat buat jasa pada tuan punya external...

and now i'm currently progressed on to save on my money again to buy brand new one... i'mmost certain bout it as i need external so much... ok after this i shall take care of my external juz like my love... ok darling i'll make sure u  have a long live...


what annoy me so much is all these things happened in a week... case 1 on saturday, case 2 on monday and case 3 on thursday....

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