Friday, May 2, 2014

sane gangbangers

assalamualaikum... i heart world and you..

i learn that world is sane... IN FACT friendship is and always insane.. so do i gone insane for all these moments..

almost 4 years i started to know, learn and getting crazier with those completely clinically proven sane and functional peeps.. but figuratively and by friendship, indeed..... they, we, us ARE awesomely capable to make each of us feeling so wonderful and getting hype whenever we met each other... so do i... never thought that i learn and mastered all the crazy tricks very very well... credit to them AININ, GEE, QILA, KINAH, MAA, DAYAH, DIEYLA & ME..

back in two weeks ago... we finally gathered for our 'GELOMBANG PERTAMA KEGILAAN BERSAMA LEPAS POSTING' .... in fact... we do... really do gone crazy unusually as usual... i think... urmmm even more upgraded than before... yupp...

so here's the deal... we gone back to our college... meet and settled down there for almost 3 hours i guess.. datang nak amik sijil tu reason semata-mata... padahal nafsu nak meroggeng tu dah sampai tahap dewa.... gitu laaa jadik nye...

ok.. all above tells story how obnoxious we are when meeting together.. kebetulan attend international seminar at PICC.. so mmg konpem laaa we got hyped together... waddehel laaa kalau dah x jumpe lama pastu bley buat x kenal plak... itu mmg laaa mintak high kick sedas...  ofkos laaa kawan lama x jumpe rasa mcm nak peluk cium sampai naik berkarat pipi tu.. hihi... 

'sane gangbangers' totally reversed into such awesome insane creature... hihi... we got starstruck and so excited to get few selfies with incik patih gajah mada 3D version.... gamba2 atas tuh semua daa kene tapis .. kalau x berlambak2 je gamba selfie ngan incik gajah tuh ...tapi kene ad bimbingan parent ye... deemed inappropriate for public... hahaha kitorang daa kuak kupu2 kuak lentang kuak kerbau semua jenis kuak-kuak kitorang posing depan incik gajah tuh.. credit to the picture... hewhewhew...

somewhere in mines... we found this mini water fountain... and again..... gone insane.... hulhulhul..

picture above ni eksen je lebey... bajet tgh sembang pasal ekonomi dunia... padahal tgh merepek pasal nak gi serbu uptown jalan reko sampai awal pagi.. kaki da longgar skru tapi hati berkobar2 nak meronggeng tahap dewa lagi....


in fact.......

dan sebenarnya........

the truth...........

all of us are Occupational Therapist.. whom committed to serve and gives benefit to the needy... we are national citizens... pledged ourselves to serve this country in true modest and honesty...

we started to know each other at one place... and we got spread out all over this country but still get bonded to each other.... we do get crazy.. but only when we meet our peeps.... at one point...we do maintain our professionalism and preserve our expertise while fulfilling our responsibilities....

that was how we are truly sane gangbangers...

being sane at right time... only bang when needed... 

till then my love.... i heart world and YOU.....



  1. :') aww~~so sweet~~ I wish I was there crazy too!! T__T

  2. Aww~~so sweet!! How I wish I was there crazy too~~T_T
